
ugtm provides an implementation of GTM (Generative Topographic Mapping), kGTM (kernel Generative Topographic Mapping), GTM classification models (kNN, Bayes) and GTM regression models. ugtm also implements cross-validation options which can be used to compare GTM classification models to SVM classification models, and GTM regression models to SVM regression models. Typical usage:

#!/usr/bin/env python

import ugtm
import numpy as np

#generate sample data and labels: replace this with your own data

#build GTM map

#plot GTM map (html)

For installation instructions, cf. https://github.com/hagax8/ugtm

1. Import package

Import ugtm package, allowing to construct GTM and kernel GTM (kGTM) maps, GTM classification models, GTM regression models:

import ugtm

2. Construct and plot GTM maps (or kGTM maps)

A gtm object can be created by running the function runGTM on a dataset. Parameters for runGTM are: k = sqrt(number of nodes), m = sqrt(number of rbf centres), s = RBF width factor, regul = regularization coefficient. The number of iteration for the expectation-maximization algorithm is set to 200 by default. This is an example with random data:

import ugtm

#import numpy to generate random data
import numpy as np

#generate random data (independent variables x),
#discrete labels (dependent variable y),
#and continuous labels (dependent variable y),
#to experiment with categorical or continuous outcomes

train = np.random.randn(20,10)
test = np.random.randn(20,10)

#create a gtm object and write model
gtm = ugtm.runGTM(train)

#run verbose
gtm = ugtm.runGTM(train, verbose=True)

#to run a kernel GTM model instead, run following:
gtm = ugtm.runkGTM(train, doKernel=True, kernel="linear")

#access coordinates (means or modes), and responsibilities of gtm object
gtm_coordinates = gtm.matMeans
gtm_modes = gtm.matModes
gtm_responsibilities = gtm.matR

3. Plot html maps

Call the plot_html() function on the gtm object:

#run model on train
gtm = ugtm.runGTM(train)

# ex. plot gtm object with landscape, html: labels are continuous

# ex. plot gtm object with landscape, html: labels are discrete

# ex. plot gtm object with landscape, html: labels are continuous
# no interpolation between nodes
gtm.plot_html(output="testout12",labels=activity,discrete=False,pointsize=20, \

# ex. plot gtm object with landscape, html: labels are discrete,
# no interpolation between nodes
gtm.plot_html(output="testout13",labels=labels,discrete=True,pointsize=20, \

4. Plot pdf maps

Call the plot() function on the gtm object:

#run model on train
gtm = ugtm.runGTM(train)

# ex. plot gtm object, pdf: no labels

# ex. plot gtm object with landscape, pdf: labels are discrete

# ex. plot gtm object with landscape, pdf: labels are continuous

5. Plot multipanel views (only if labels or activities are provided)

Call the plot_multipanel() function on the gtm object. This plots a general model view, showing means, modes, landscape with or without points. The plot_multipanel function only works if you have defined labels:

#run model on train
gtm = ugtm.runGTM(train)

# ex. with discrete labels and inter-node interpolation

# ex. with continuous labels and inter-node interpolation

# ex. with discrete labels and no inter-node interpolation
gtm.plot_multipanel(output="testout4",labels=labels,discrete=True,pointsize=20, \

# ex. with continuous labels and no inter-node interpolation
gtm.plot_multipanel(output="testout5",labels=activity,discrete=False,pointsize=20, \

6. Project new data onto existing GTM map

New data can be projected on the GTM map by using the transform() function, which takes as input the gtm model, a training and test set. The train set is then only used to perform data preprocessing on the test set based on the train (for example: apply the same PCA transformation to the train and test sets before running the algorithm):

#run model on train
gtm = ugtm.runGTM(train,doPCA=True)

#test new data (test)

#plot transformed test (html)

#plot transformed test (pdf)

#plot transformed data on existing classification model,
#using training set labels
                         labels=labels, \

7. Output predictions for a test set: GTM regression (GTR) and classification (GTC)

The GTR() function implements the GTM regression model (cf. references) and GTC() function a GTM classification model (cf. references):

#continuous labels (prediction by GTM regression model)

#discrete labels (prediction by GTM classification model)

8. Advanced GTM predictions with per-class probabilities

Per-class probabilities for a test set can be given by the advancedGTC() function (you can set the m, k, regul, s parameters just as with runGTM):

#get whole output model and label predictions for test set

#write whole predicted model with per-class probabilities

9. Crossvalidation experiments

Different crossvalidation experiments were implemented to compare GTC and GTR models to classical machine learning methods:

#crossvalidation experiment: GTM classification model implemented in ugtm,
#here: set hyperparameters s=1 and regul=1 (set to -1 to optimize)

#crossvalidation experiment: GTM regression model

#you can also run the following functions to compare
#with other classification/regression algorithms:

#crossvalidation experiment, k-nearest neighbours classification
#on 2D PCA map with 7 neighbors (set to -1 to optimize number of neighbours)

#crossvalidation experiment, SVC rbf classification model (sklearn implementation):

#crossvalidation experiment, linear SVC classification model (sklearn implementation):

#crossvalidation experiment, linear SVC regression model (sklearn implementation):

#crossvalidation experiment, k-nearest neighbours regression on 2D PCA map with 7 neighbors: